
“The theatre is one of the few places left in the bright and noisy world where we sit in the quiet dark together, to be awake.” 
― Sarah Ruhl



Hey there! My name is Jessica, and I’m an American-born Canadian-raised actress of Taiwanese descent (try saying that five times fast!).

Originally hailing from a Political Science background, I chose to pursue theatre when I realized that the problems I’d wanted to solve weren’t things that could be achieved through government and political channels. Instead, I realized that many sociopolitical issues today stemmed from a lack of empathy, and that perhaps storytelling was the key to bringing about a more understanding and accepting society.

Theatre allows for the creation of this tangible connection between people from all different walks of life, and makes it that much more difficult for people to stay apathetic when faced with human conflict. That is something that is desperately needed in today’s society, and the idea that I can recognize bits of myself in characters, and utilize that to tell stories to affect others? That is an incredibly powerful feeling. especially when combined with my desire to help spread compassion and empathy in today’s society.

In addition, acting has been a platform for me to conquer my fear of simply being myself in front of others. Through it, I have learned to not give in or back down but rather to accept who I am and to stand up for what I believe is important and just in this world.

Having completed my BFA in Acting at the Chicago College of Performing Arts, I’ve been splitting my time between my adopted home of Chicago, IL and my hometown of Toronto, Ontario. I am looking forward to learning more about the wonderful world of theatre and how I can best help contribute to positively affect today’s society.

All the love,


Current Favourites

Everything Everywhere all at once (Daniels)

Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy, Pevear/Volokhonsky translation)

House of the dragon (HBO)

All You had to do was stay (Taylor Swift)

park predators (audiochuck)

red, Taylor’s version (Taylor swift)


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